
We are continuing with preparations of the tram in front of the SND


The tram in front of the Slovak National Theatre (SND) will not disrupt the theatre’s artistic work. This was confirmed by a feasibility study prepared by the Slovak University of Technology and respected experts. We are thus continuing with preparations for the construction of another new tram line, Pribinova-Košická. Discussions will follow with the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and the theatre about organising construction works so as to minimise their impact on theatre operations during track construction, as well as selection of the preferred version of track construction in the space above the underground garage.

The feasibility study focused on the impact of noise and vibrations from operation of the tram on the protected spaces of the individual SND halls or on the artistic production activities. Through hundreds of simulations, experts assessed several parameters, such as different track constructions, thicknesses of the track plates and anti-vibration mats, rail attachments, as well as speed and method of trams passing through. One important variable was the two variants of the solution for the underground garage, which is located in the space in front of the theatre, directly under the future track.

Based on an assessment and analysis of a number of measurements, the noise study concludes that the operation of trams in front of the SND building will not disrupt the internal environment of the opera and ballet, drama and studio halls with noise generated by the passage of trams. The Blue Salon, which was not originally designed for artistic productions but for operation of a cafe, is at present still not sufficiently insulated against noise from the outside, due to its location in direct contact with the front glass facade of the building and the solution of the outer shell. Even in regard to this, however, the study states that by increasing the acoustic insulation of the outer shell, it will be possible to prevent passing trams to cause a disturbance here, too.

During measurements focused on the impact of vibrations on the internal environment of the SND building during the passing of trams, the experts evaluated two alternatives, specifically one with preservation of the garages under the track, and one with filling in part of the garages. They likewise stated in their conclusion that the passing of trams in front of the SND building at the specified speeds will not exceed the allowable vibration values in the premises of the opera, drama and studio halls. In the Blue Salon, the vibration value is in some cases higher; however, because it is a very small space, here, too, it is possible to minimise these effects with technical measures.

“The acoustic tranquillity of the SND building was a priority for us from the start of this project, and I clearly communicated that we would proceed with the building of a new track only on the condition that it would have no negative impact on the theatre. I’m glad that the STU and the experts have now confirmed specific ways of resolving such a new line. We are investing huge efforts into the development and modernisation of public transport, and the development of tram radials is absolutely fundamental for doing this. Understandably, different opinions and perspectives always arise regarding such fundamental infrastructure projects. But thanks to experts, we today know that the new track will not be a problem for operating the theatre. This is an important step towards the construction of a completely new tram line, which will better connect the Petržalská and Dúbravská-Karloveská radial with the Ružinovská radial for tens of thousands of passengers every day,” said Matúš Vallo, mayor of the capital.

The feasibility study conclusions complemented and confirmed the results of studies and data analyses from the past, which the city worked with when planning this tram line and on the basis of which it decided that the route along Pribinova Street is precisely the most advantageous variant of the tram route in the so-called new Bratislava centre. The results of the study likewise confirmed the conclusions of the international expert working group that the capital established in 2021, where independent experts concluded that it is possible to build and operate a tram line in front of the theatre without having a significant impact on the theatre, provided that suitable solutions are specified through a feasibility study.

The design of the new Pribinova-Košická line is currently in the process of incorporating comments from the environmental impact assessment (EIA). We presented the results of the study to the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and the SND, with whom we also started discussions on a suitable solution for the construction work itself during the operation of the theatre, as well as the choice of the preferred solution for the garage spaces and possible substitute parking. Construction of the track could start as early as 2027–2029.

You’ll find the results of the study for both acoustics and vibrations at Bratislava ↗︎ web.
