Erasmus+ is a new programme of the European Union, supporting activities in education, vocational preparation, youth and sports in the programme period of 2014-2020.

The Erasmus+ programme replaces the EU programmes of:

  • Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, and Grundtvig);
  • Youth in Action;
  • International cooperation programmes: Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and bilateral programmes;
  • Sports was added as a new programme activity.

Erasmus+ provides grants for a variety of events and activities in education, vocational preparation, youth and sports. It provides opportunities for students, pupils attending vocational preparation, teachers, youth workers and volunteers to spend some time abroad and to gain new information, acquire new skills and enhance their position in the labour market.

The programme supports organisations which can participate in the projects and share innovations in education, vocational preparation and sports as part of the partnerships. The new action of sports supports activities in mass sports and will treat the issues of doping, violence, and racism via international cooperation.

Period of project execution: 01 December 2019 – 31 August 2022

Duration of project: 33 months

More information about Erasmus+ ↗︎

Financed projects

Empathy for Children

Logá Erasmus+ a Empathy4Children

Name of project: Empathy for children

Name and address of recipient: Hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky Bratislava Primaciálne námestie 1, 814 99 Bratislava

Project coordinator: Hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky Bratislava, Slovensko

Project partners: Felix Private Elementary School, Slovakia Infomedia Formaziona, Italy European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence, Austria INSTITUT ZA RAZISKAVE IN RAZVOJ UTRIP ZAVOD, Slovenia

Total indicative budget: Total: € 332,720.00

Budget of the City of Bratislava: Total: € 65,650.00

Description of project: EMPATHY FOR CHILDREN – E4C

Empathy for Children is an international project financed by the Erasmus+ programme.

The City of Bratislava is the main project coordinator and will implement a methodology based on the project on the regional level. The Empathy for Children project will help innovations and education on an international level.

The Empathy for Children project seeks to provide all students with the best opportunities for universal development and education. The methodologies are based on the principle of differentiated learning. The learning programme is organised so that it supports and develops the interests of the individual students and employs common experience and situations to provide the experience necessary to cooperate in task completion. This develops awareness, creativity and students’ trust in themselves and their environment in order to commit and act.

The target group of the project is children aged 8-14, educators, teachers, parents, stakeholders, and education facilities.

The Empathy for Children project plans to implement, monitor, develop and evaluate the methodology and education approaches advocated by Ms. Iben Sandahl. Iben Sandahl is an internationally acclaimed speaker, published author, psychotherapist and educator. She has had more than twenty years’ experience in child psychology and education. Her articles have appeared in Vanity Fair, Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Psychology Today, The Greater Good Science Center Berkeley, and many more.

The methodologies of Iben Sandahl are based in the Danish education programmes of teachers and include a variety of approaches, including group work, discussions and lectures, held in the spirit of intellectual freedom, equality and democracy, with the ability to plan the academic, as well as educational (learning environment) aspects of the education process and learning as such.

An added value of the project is the support for the development of networking activities, including the strategic improvement of specialised skills of teachers, building organisational capacities in establishing international partnerships with partners from other countries, with the aim of establishing innovative outputs and sharing verified procedures.

Benefits of the partnership include an increased capacity to act internationally, improved management methods, access to further financing opportunities and projects, increased ability to prepare, manage and supervise projects, as well as a more attractive portfolio of opportunities for students and employees.

The intellectual output of the project will be:

  • Empathy tool kit – multi-lingual education tool.
  • Methodology for teachers and stakeholders with the goal of implementing empathy in the European curriculum.

Empathy for Children will have a direct impact on the development of a European curriculum, including empathy in the curriculum of elementary schools.

You can find more information on the website ↗︎ or Facebooku ↗︎