Admission exams for primary art schools in the school year 2024/2025

If you are interested in studying at a primary art school, please visit the school's website, where you will find all the information you need for the admission exams.
Július Kowalski Primary Art School, Židovská 1, 811 01 Bratislava Phone: +421 254 630 151 ↗︎
Ladislav Kamocsai, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Date: 4-6 June 2024 Time: 14.00 - 17.00 Venue: Židovská 1- music, dance, art, literature & theatre Šancová 39 - dance ZŠ Dubová 1 - music, art, literature School address: Židovská 1, secondary locations: Šancová 39, ZŠ Dubová 1
Miloš Ruppeldt Primary Art School, Panenská 11, 811 03 Bratislava Phone: +421 254 415 552 ↗︎
Alexandra Pažická, Headteacher Music
Date: 29-30 May 2024 Time: 13.00 - 17.30 Venue: Pionierska 15, 3. floor Temporary school address: Pionierska 15,3. floor, secondary locations: ZŠ Mudroňova 83, Primary and grammar school with Hungarian language Dunajská 13
Primary Art School, Radlinského 53, 811 07 Bratislava Phone: +421 255 564 405, +421910907760 ↗︎
Lenka Hlávková, Headteacher Art
Date: 7 June 2024 Time: 14.00 - 17.00 Venue: Radlinského 53 School address: Radlinského 53
Primary Art School, Exnárova 6/A, 821 03 Bratislava Phone: +421 243 421 358 ↗︎
Anna Miklovičová, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Date: 7 and 23 May 2024 Time: 14.00 - 18.00 hod. Venue: Main Building ZUŠ Exnárova 6/A (Ružinov) and Orenburská 31 (Podunajské Biskupice) Applicants should complete an online application form in advance. The application is to be submitted via an electronic form at ↗︎. Applicants should print the application form, sign and submit it to the admissions committee at the talent tests. School address: Exnárova 6/A, Bratislava 821 03
Secondary locations of ZUŠ Exnárova and locations of departments: Exnárova 6/A – music, art Orenburská 31 - music, dance, art, literature & theatre Bancíkovej 2 - music, dance, literature & theatre CVČ Kulíškova 6 - music ZŠ Ostredková - music ZŠ Borodáčova - music ZŠ Drieňová - music ZŠ Odborárska – music
Ľudovít Rajter Primary Art School, Sklenárova 5, 821 09 Bratislava Phone.: +421 253 412 919 School phone: 0911 972 799 ↗︎
Erika Fáberová, Headteacher, phone: 0903 251 942 Music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Date: 4-5 June 2024 Time: 14.00 - 18.00 Venue: Ľudovít Rajter Primary Art School, Sklenárova 5 (school address) - music, dance, literature & theatre Ľudovít Rajter Primary Art School, Sklenárova 2 (secondary location) - art School address: Sklenárova 5 The school recommends completing the online application form prior to the admission exams at ↗︎
Primary Art School, Vrbenského 1, 831 53 Bratislava Phone: +421 244 884 543 ↗︎
Vladislav Katrinec, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Date: 3-6 June 2024 Time: 14.00 - 17.30 Venue: Vrbenského 1– music, art, dance, literature & theatre. The exams will also be held here for the secondary location in Bratislava-Vajnory. School address: Vrbenského 1, secondary location: ZŠ Kataríny Brúderovej, Osloboditeľská 1
Primary Art School, Hálkova 56, 831 03 Bratislava Phone: +421 244 632 117-9 School phone: 0918859987 ↗︎
Ingrid Bubeníčková, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Date: 4-5 June 2024 Time: 15.00 - 18.00 Venue: Hálkova 56 School address: Hálkova 56
Online applications can be submitted from 1 March 2024 to 3 June 2024. More information available at ↗︎
Jozef Kresánek Primary Art School, Karloveská 3, 841 04 Bratislava Phone: +421 265 420 465 ↗︎
Miriam Trgová, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Date: 10-11 June 2024
Time: 14.00 - 18.00
Please complete the online application form ↗︎ in advance
Please specify your preferred location in the application form.
Karloveská 3 – music, dance
Sekulská 3 – literature & theatre, dance, art
ZŠ Majerníkova 62 - music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Zlatohorská ul. 18 – music
ZŠ Malokarpatské nám. 1- dance, art, literature & theatre
Kino Lamač – art, literature & theatre
ZŠ Hargašova ul. 5 - music, art
Čsl. tankistov 134 – music, dance
School address: Karloveská 3, secondary locations: Sekulská 3, Karlova Ves; ZŠ Majerníkova
62, Karlova Ves; Zlatohorská ul. 18, Lamač; ZŠ Malokarpatské nám. 1, Lamač; ZŠ Hargašova
ul. 5, Záhorská Bystrica; Čs. tankistov 34, Záhorská Bystrica, Čsl. tankistov 134, Záhorská
Eugen Suchoň Primary Art School, Batkova 2, 841 01 Bratislava Phone: +421 264 364 387 ↗︎
Zuzana Horváthová, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre Date: 29 May 2024 Time: 15.00 - 17.00 Venue: Batkova 2 School address: Batkova 2 Please complete and submit the online application form ↗︎ in advance.
Primary Art School, Istrijská 22, 841 07 Bratislava Phone: +421 264 761 142 ↗︎
Vladimír Dianiška, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre, audiovisual and multimedia production
Date: 27 May and 6 June 2024 Time: 15.00 - 18.00 Venue: Istrijská 22 School address: Istrijská 22 Please complete and submit the online application form in advance at:
Ján Albrecht Primary Art School, Topoľčianska 15, 851 05 Bratislava Phone: +421 263 835 035 ↗︎
Lucia Celecová, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre, audiovisual and multimedia production
Date: 20 May 2024 Time: 14.00 - 18.00 Venue: Topoľčianska 15 School address: Topoľčianska 15 Please complete and submit the online application form ↗︎ in advance.
František Oswald Primary Art School, Daliborovo nám. 2, 851 01 Bratislava Phone: +421 903 194 332 ↗︎
Diana Višacká, Headteacher Music, dance, art, literature & theatre
Date: 3-4 June 2024 Time: 14.00 - 18.00 Venue: Daliborovo nám. 2, Bratislava School address: Daliborovo nám.2, Bratislava