Bratislava supports the development of a new city centre: stakeholders have agreed on a joint approach
The area between the Old Bridge and the Port Bridge in Petržalka has long been planned for the development of a part of the city centre in Bratislava. The representatives of the city and the investors have declared their support for development of the area and their readiness to cooperate by signing a Memorandum of Understanding and Joint Procedure. The current centre will be expanded, and a new vibrant heart will be developed in Petržalka. In addition to housing, offices, and amenities, the area will include new city-forming elements and opportunities for sports, leisure and recreation for all residents.
The important location on the true-right bank of the Danube between the Old Bridge and the Harbour Bridge has great potential for development. The concept of transforming this area and creating a new multi-functional part of the city centre is supported by the current zoning plan. The New Lido project and the SouthBank project, which has been in the pipeline since last year, have long been planned within the area and are intended to create a new city district providing housing, work, services, education, as well as affording new opportunities for leisure. The 2007 zoning plan also provides for construction on the site; however, it needs to be updated so as to respond to the current needs of the city and its residents, and to encompass current urban planning trends, The main benefits of the amendments to the zoning plan include the possibility of developing a number of city-forming infrastructure projects, such as:
prolongation of the publicly accessible area of the Danube embankment in the city centre, with a new 800 metre section alignment and linking of public spaces in the new parts of the city centre on the opposite banks of the Danube (axial connection with M. R. Štefánik Square in front of Eurovea)
construction of a promenade bridge connection over the Danube
incorporation of the tram route into the area to improve transport connections
updating the zoning plan will also change the functional use of the area, so investors will be able to provide more residential functionality and a more appropriate mix, thereby securing greater self-sufficiency for the area and reduced need for daily transportation
by increasing the share of housing in the area, Bratislava would acquire from investors approximately 100 new rental flats in line with the city's ambition to develop affordable housing. The draft amendments will be made public, subject to comment, and the final form will be determined by the members of the City Council.
The area includes the Owl Forest and floodplain forests. One of the city's main conditions in planning the new zone is that this green belt should remain intact. The current New Lido project preserves it in its entirety as a waterfront park with the potential to bring the River Danube closer to the residents.
The creation of a new zone on the true-right bank of the Danube will co-create a new panorama and have a positive impact on the future shape of Bratislava. By signing a memorandum with the city, the stakeholders have declared their understanding and willingness to cooperate in pursuance of the public interest.