Bratislava teachers convene once more for a joint conference

The city, in association with the non-profit organisation Indícia, is holding the second edition of the Bratislava Teachers' Conference. The event is intended for pedagogical and professional staff, headteachers and administrators of Bratislava primary and secondary schools.
The event will be held on 22 November 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at SÚZA Hotel on Drotárská cesta 46, Bratislava. Registration is open until 15 November 2022, or until the event capacity is reached.
The conference will open with plenary lectures:
RNDr. Vladimír Burjan - What to teach? And how to decide what to teach? doc. Mgr. Martin Brestovanský, PhD. - How to create professional learning communities in our schools through collaborative reflection on teaching practices? Mgr. Jana Chomistová - Regional teacher support centres to help teachers
Following the lectures, the conference will be divided into the following parts: How to teach differently? Assessments are not just about grades How to lead children and young people to participation? Integration of foreign children School for every child Maintaining the pace (Do you know what your pupils are living through, what they are dealing with, what their concerns are?)
You can register for specific presentations during the conference. Look at the list of papers ↗︎ to be presented.
If you are interested in attending the conference, make registration ↗︎.
Registration is open until 15 November 2022 or until the event capacity is reached.
The conference is free and it is held under the auspices of Matúš Vall, Mayor of Bratislava.