Public Transport

Changes in public transport, request stops to be introduced city-wide in Bratislava


In recent months, the Bratislava Transport Company (DPB) has taken several actions to save money. The aim was to optimise the operation of the company in order to minimise the impact on passengers. Due to rising energy prices, as well as other items, further cost reductions are necessary. Accordingly, from 13 February 2023, a number of changes are being implemented in Bratislava which will result in a change in travel arrangements for passengers.

The Transport Company is one of the major consumers of electricity, powering the traction network for trolleybuses and trams. Since the middle of last year, it has implemented a number of measures aimed at saving money in terms of energy consumption. Due to rising fuel prices, shortfalls in municipal revenues, as well as the situation caused by the pandemic, the DPB will lose millions from its budget from 2019. For 2023 alone, this negative impact will amount to EUR 35 million per year, which is why it is also necessary to implement further cost-saving measures.

Request stops A further cost-cutting measure is the introduction of all request stops for bus and trolleybus services. This will help to reduce the amount spent on operations by almost half a million euros compared with today through savings on fuel during braking and starting. Passengers, in turn, will see a reduction in travel time of around 10% on average at off-peak times. Among other things, it will also bring improved heat comfort and fewer emissions in the urban environment.

This change will affect only about a third of all stops in the city, as the request rule is already in place at the remainder of the stops. Bratislava will thereby join the ranks of other foreign, but also Slovak cities - for example Nitra, where a similar measure already saves costs for transport operators.

Nothing changes for passengers visibly standing at the stop. In this case, the vehicle will stop automatically at the stop, even if there is already a connection of another line in the stop area. Prior to exiting, it is again always necessary to press any button in the passenger compartment in time to indicate the passenger's intention to exit, i.e. the door release button or the 'stop' button.

The DPB has set a transitional period of two months during which passengers will be continuously informed in vehicles and at stops.

Changes in public transport From 13 February 2023 the "university timetable" will be restored, i.e. the line 184 and more connections will be added on lines 31, 39 and 87.

Due to the unfavourable financial situation of the city and the Transport Company, some of the DPB's less-used lines will be optimised, starting from the February change date:

Trolleybus line 45 will run only in the morning and afternoon rush hours on weekdays; at other times lines 42 and 49 can be used. Line 79 in Podunajské Biskupice will run daily only at selected times in the morning and afternoon rush hours, on the basic route Stn. Podunajské Biskupice - Lieskovec and back. Line 145 connecting Nové mesto with Koliba will operate only on weekdays, on other days it is possible to use lines 32, 42, 49 and 64 in Kramary or line 44 in Koliba. Line 147 will run on weekdays and will only go one-way to Kalvária, in the direction from Hodžovo námestie to Búdková. From the Kalvária and Gorazdova stops in the direction of Hodžovo námestie it is also possible to use line 147 via Búdková or with a transfer to lines 44 and 47 at Búdková. Line 151 will run on weekdays; on other days it is possible to use trams on the Račianska and Vajnorska radial routes.

Lines to be closed due to very low use:

Line X70 - the area of Nový Ružinov will be served by line 70 after the construction of a proper public transport stop. Until then, it will be possible to use public transport lines from the Pálenisko and Piesčiny stops. Line 27 - the alternative is to use line 83, which stops near the stops of line 27. Access to the shopping centre in Dúbravčice will be possible from the Pri krizi stop. Line 58 - passengers from the Mierova kolónia can use trams from the Magnetová stop. Passengers from Technicka can use the public transport lines running along Galvaniho and Rádiova Streets in the vicinity.

The DPB advises passengers to check the timetable before their journey from 13 February. All information is available on the website DPB ↗︎, as well as at the bus stops. The DPB information centre is also available on 02/5950 5950 or by email: [email protected].
