City Owned Entities

KOLO, Bratislava's re-use centre, joins the Annual Assistance Programme for SINGLE-PARENT families


The city and the Waste Removal and Disposal Company (OLO) are teaming up with the ONE PARENT organisation to systematically support single-parent families in Slovakia; these families fall below the poverty line very quickly so timely help is crucial, especially in times of rising prices. KOLO - Bratislava Re-use Centre will help these families by providing them with common items they can take from KOLO through the Annual Assistance Programme of the ONE PARENT organisation.

KOLO serves as a waste prevention mechanism. In 125,000 visits so far, residents have taken away more than 230 tonnes of unwanted, but still functional, items. “KOLO is environmental, educational as well as community-based and social. In the past, we have supported community projects such as the City for Children and the Prűger-Wellner Garden. We have already provided social assistance in the form of second-hand equipment to organisations such as People in Need, Slovak Catholic Charity and to Ukrainian refugees. We are very happy that, through KOLO and thanks to the support of the people of Bratislava, we can also start with systematic help to single-parent families," says Martina Čechová, OLO’s Circular Economy Manager.

Single-parent families - with more than 500,000 children - are on the brink of poverty

Single-parent families are families in which only one parent is left to raise the children - the other parent has divorced, moved away, does not claim the child or has died. "In order for a single parent to meet their family's basic needs, such as childcare, housing, healthcare, education, food or clothing, they need to have several incomes at once. Unfortunately, single parents are discriminated against in Slovakia and many of them do not have a steady income. Due to rising prices for housing, energy and unexpected healthcare or education expenses, these families very quickly fall below the poverty line," says Eva Marková, founder of ONE PARENT, n.o. organisation. Both single parents and children face excessive stress from the financial situation, disruption of the stability of the family background or stigmatisation within their environment.

Over the last forty years the number of single-parent households has doubled. In Slovakia, there are more than 350,000 households maintained by just one parent, and about 500,000 dependent children grow up under such conditions.

KOLO will provide material aid to families in the ONE PARENT's Annual Assistance Programme

The non-profit organisation ONE PARENT has long been supporting single-parent families through the Annual Comprehensive Assistance Programme; this currently involves 277 families across Slovakia. The primary goal is to provide single parents with new skills and knowledge that will lead to a sustainably better quality of life. Over the course of twelve months, single parents are supported by expert counsellors in the fields of social welfare, psychology, life-coaching, finance, career, law, relationships and childcare. Through KOLO, parents and the children of single-parent families will be able to benefit from material assistance in addition to professional and food humanitarian assistance.

Single-parent families who are members of the ONE PARENT's Annual Assistance Programme will receive a visitor's card which allows them to collect items that they need from KOLO for the duration of their membership in the annual programme. These commonly include baby items, school supplies, kitchen utensils and household items.
