Bratislava Forest Park is visited by millions, data show

Bratislava Forest Park, the green treasure of our capital city, for which many world capitals might envy us, enjoys enormous popularity. According to a recent survey, up to one million people visit the forest park every year. The forest paths are mostly enjoyed by walkers, but cyclists also make up a relatively large group of visitors. The great popularity of the forest park, supported by actual data, represents a commitment for the city and its organisations to continue to protect the natural wealth of this area and to develop recreational areas where people can safely make the most of their free time to the fullest extent.
Data on the number of visitors to the Bratislava Forest Park were collected during the past two years by the Bratislava Tourist Board (BTB) in association with Bratislava Urban Forests. The survey showed that Bratislava Forest Park attracts a large number of visitors throughout the year, with peak numbers in the summer season. The largest group of visitors to the Bratislava Forest Park is made up of walkers (61%), followed by cyclists (24%). Other groups of visitors were dog walkers (9%) and joggers (6%).
"Despite the fact that the largest group of visitors to the Bratislava Forest Park is made up of walkers, the number of cyclists is growing every year and already reaches about 250,000. Therefore, BTB is currently focusing on improving the quality of information, creating maps with cycling routes and supporting the construction of minor infrastructure for this group of visitors," says Vladimír Grežo, Chairman of BTB's Board of Directors.
The survey also provided information on specific locations of visitor access to the Forest Park. The main entrance gates are Cesta mládeže, Partizánska lúka and Horáreň Krasňany. Other monitored locations where one can enter the Bratislava Forest Park, such as Kamzík, Potočná ulica, the crossroads in front of Kačín and Biely Kríž, are used by a slightly lower number of people.
"The data collected represent a valuable source of information allowing us to better plan activities in Bratislava Forest Park in order to provide optimal experiences and also to protect its natural wealth. Together with the community and partner organisations, we will continue to strive to create a sustainable and enjoyable environment for all so that we can enrich and protect our forest park for current and future generations," says Marek Páva, who oversees the Bratislava Urban Forests’ management.
Bratislava Forest Park is the city's treasure and its inherent natural part, which completes the image of Bratislava as one of the greenest capitals in the world. The data reveal the huge interest of the residents and visitors of Bratislava in this place and also provide a basis for the development of further projects to make time spent in this green oasis even more enjoyable.
"The Urban Forests try to make the stay in nature as pleasant as possible. In the long term, logging is kept to a minimum, and the ban on cars entering the area is strictly enforced. At the same time, the Urban Forests are developing recreational areas - a newly renovated café on Partizánská lúka, an open eco-centre with a hundred-year-old arboretum on Kamzík, as well as a new recreational area on Pekná cesta on the site of former ammunition depots, dominated by a renovated forester's lodge serving as a barbecue pavilion. This year, a major renovation of the safe fireplaces is also underway," adds Jakub Mrva, Deputy Mayor.
Further data and statistics from the survey are published on BTB’s website ↗︎.
Co-financed by the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic