Air Protection
Granting of stationary source consent/permit (minor source of air pollution)
The city, in its delegated exercise of state administration in terms of air protection concerning minor sources and selected special activities, pursuant to Act No. 146/2023 Coll. on air protection as amended, issues the following:
- Consents according to Section 26
- Permits for minor sources of pollution according to Section 27
A stationary source is a technological unit, fuel, raw material or product depot, landfill, quarry, area or structure, object and activity that pollutes or may pollute the air and is defined as the sum of all the constituent parts, components and activities within a functional unit and spatial unit. Stationary sources are classified according to their air pollution rates and threshold capacities as follows:
- major sources, i.e. particularly significant technological units
- medium-sized sources, which are significant technological units if they are not part of a major source
- minor sources, which are other technological units, areas, fuel, raw material and product depots, landfills, buildings, installations, facilities, including activities, if they are not part of a major source or a medium-sized source or are not a specific activity
- special activities which are not connected with a construction object or a technological unit and are not part of a major source, a medium-sized source or a minor source, but are performed independently and are accompanied by dust, odour, smoke or may release emissions of pollutants, while the use of technical equipment for performing the activity in question should not be excluded.
Minor combustion appliance means a combustion appliance with a rated thermal input not exceeding 0.3MW.
Pursuant to Section 27(2b), a permit for a source will not be issued for a minor source which is a combustion appliance with a total rated thermal input not exceeding 0.1MW if it is a separate source intended for heating of households.
Responsibilities of the city in terms of air quality management:
- providing information on air quality within its territorial district if air quality measurement data are available for the municipality in question,
- providing information on the smog situation pursuant to Section 12(9)
- participuje na vypracovaní programu na zlepšenie kvality ovzdušia a smogového regulačného plánu a implementuje opatrenia
- participation in development of the air quality improvement programme and smog control plan and implementation of measures
- development of a local programme pursuant to Section 10(2) and implementation of measures contained therein
- adoption and implementation of measures to maintain and improve air quality within its territorial district
- setting the conditions for the operation of minor sources and the performance of selected specific activities pursuant to Section 10(4), and limiting or prohibiting their operation
The city, in its delegated exercise of state administration in terms of air protection concerning minor sources and selected special activities, pursuant to Act No. 146/2023 Coll. on air protection as amended, will ensure the following:
- granting minor source permits pursuant to Section 27(1), reviewing them and, if necessary, amending them
- granting minor source consents pursuant to Section 26 (1a), (1c) and (1i),
- imposing the obligation to produce documents pursuant to Sections 35(1h) and 36(1e)
- notification to the competent district authority and to the operator of the minor source of the finding that the threshold capacity laid down for the minor source has been exceeded
- exercising supervision pursuant to Section 47(6) in terms of compliance with the obligations of operators of minor sources and operators performing selected specific activities, and investigating complaints pursuant to Section 47(7)
- cooperation with the inspectorate in carrying out inspections of minor combustion appliances burning solid fuel and liquid fuel pursuant to Section 51 and referring complaints to them; it shall notify the operator of infringements of the obligation pursuant to Section 35(1)
- monitoring compliance with the prohibitions pursuant to Section 32,
- in the event of a violation of the obligations laid down by this Act and by generally binding legal regulations governing air protection:
- impose rectification measures
- impose fines
- determine on offences
- determine to limit or cease the operation of a minor source pursuant to Section 53(4) or the performance of a special activity pursuant to Section 53(5)
An application for consent and permit can be submitted:
- in person at the City Hall's Registry Office at Primaciálne nám. 1
- by mail
- electronically via the Central Portal of Public Administration
Application process:
- The completed application form with the required attachments is to be delivered to the City of Bratislava
- You will need an electronic ID card (e-ID) to submit the application electronically
- The application will then be assessed by the Environmental Department and an opinion will be sent to the applicant within thirty days
- In the event of an incomplete application or missing documents, the applicant will be contacted immediately for completion
- The opinion will then be sent to the applicant by electronic mail via the Central Portal of Public Administration or by registered mail to the address given in the application
Responsibilities of the city under Act No. 401/1998 Coll. on Air Pollution Fees
Under Act No. 401/1998 Coll. on Air Pollution Fees, the city has the following responsibilities:
- determine air pollution fees for minor sources of air pollution
The payer of the air pollution fee for a minor source of air pollution is to be a legal entity and an individual entitled to conduct business who operates a minor source of air pollution (operator of a minor source of air pollution).
The operator of a minor source is to notify the city of the consumption of fuels and raw materials from which pollutants are generated and other data necessary to determine the quantity and harmfulness of pollutants emitted into the air for the past year, on an annual basis by February 15, for each minor source of air pollution.
- Notification of data necessary for determining the amount of the air pollution fee21. 04. 2023 • PDF • 191 kB
- Application for issuing a stationary source permit02. 08. 2023 • PDF • 189 kB
- Application for issuing permission for the construction of a stationary source02. 08. 2023 • PDF • 287 kB