Bratislava City Hall carries out specialised, administrative and organisational activities related to the fulfilment of the tasks of the local authorities.
City Hall's responsibilities
City Hall ensures:
- the written agenda of the city council, the mayor of Bratislava, the City Board and City Council Committees,
- the overall preparation and documentation for meetings of the City Council, the City Board and City Council Committees,
- the performance of self-governing functions of a citywide nature and of state administration tasks delegated to the city,
- drafting written versions of all decisions by the Mayor that are issued in administrative and tax proceedings,
- drafting the city's generally binding ordinances,
- the management of the city's property.
In addition, City Hall ensures the following:
- the filing and dispatching of the city's documents,
- the implementation of generally binding ordinances of the city, resolutions of the city council, resolutions of the City Board, decisions of the Mayor and orders of the City Hall Director and the monitoring of compliance,
- the provision of guidance (both methodological and professional) to budgetary and contributory organisations established by the city.
Head of City Hall
The City Hall Director is the head of Bratislava City Hall and is appointed (and dismissed) by the Mayor for an indefinite period.
In particular, the City Hall Director does the following:
- managing City Hall, organising its work and being responsible for its activities
- performing, within the scope of the Mayor's mandate, employment-related tasks for the city's employees
- attending meetings of the City Council and the City Board with an advisory vote
- signing the minutes of meetings of the City Council and the City Board with the Mayor
- performing other tasks as decided by the City Council and the Mayor
You can find detailed information on the internal organization and functioning of the municipality, relations between the municipality and the mayor, City Board, City Council, or City Council Commissions in the applicable Organizational Rules of the City Hall ↗︎.