City Museum
The Bratislava City Museum tries to open topics that are relatable in current times, linking them to the historical contexts but are delivered in modern, attractive and fresh form. The Museum delivers a diverse programme and events, which are connected with specific historical sites in its administration.
The Museum has been operating continuously since 1868 and has more than 150 years of tradition. The scope of its collection – it manages approximately 140,000 collection items – is one of the largest museums in Slovakia. Bratislava City Museum is a contributory organization and documents the history of Bratislava since its earliest period.
Bratislava City Museum is the administrator (among others) for 9 historical sites of different periods, character and meaning:
- Old Town Hall (Stará radnica)
- Apponyi Palace (Apponyiho palác)
- Michalska Tower (Michalská veža)
- Devín Castle (Hrad Devín)
- Ancient Gerulata (Antická Gerulata) (which has been part of UNESCO since July 2021)
- Red Crayfish Pharmacy (Lekáreň U Červeného raka)
- The Good Shepherd House (Dom U Dobrého pastiera)
- J. N. Hummel Museum (Múzeum J. N. Hummela)
- A. Fleischmann Museum (Múzeum A. Fleischmanna)
Valuable set of literary collections, which consists of the estate of J. Jesenský and a separate collection of the Literary Fund is also a part of the museum's collection.
Múzeum mesta Bratislavy Radničná 1 815 18 Bratislava
+421 2 59 100 811Management
Director Mgr. Zuzana Palicová