Children for Bratislava
Do you attend elementary school in Bratislava and have a good idea how to make life in the city more pleasant?
Join the 4th year of the competition of school teams CHILDREN FOR BRATISLAVA in the category Ecology and public space or Solidarity and culture.
This year, we feel that it is important to focus on two thematic areas in our city: practical skills and also public space. Therefore, it will be great if you target your project at one of these areas.
This year, it would be great for our city if you and your teams would focus on developing practical skills and improving public space in the project. Planting herbs and trees in the school yard or beautifying an uncomfortable part of the housing estate? There are so many options and this is the perfect year to explore them.
You can register your projects from 11/09/2023 to 25/09/2023 on the website ↗︎.
Bratislava launched the fourth year of the successful competition "Children for Bratislava" for pupils aged 7–15.
It supports the realization of children's ideas to improve the city in the area of ecology, culture, social belonging and urban environment.
It is a competition of focused projects developed by children from primary schools, primary art schools, centres for leisure or other educational institutions in Bratislava. The project objectives are aimed at solving the problems that are current in the eyes of children divided into two topics: "Ecology and public spaces" and "Solidarity and culture".
During the project, participants attend workshops with experts from various civic associations, in the area of creative industries and experts from various departments of the Bratislava City Hall who are long term involved with the topics of environment, solidarity and culture. At the same time, they are also gaining skills to articulate, present and implement their ideas clearly.
The Ecology and public spaces workshops are carried out in co-operation with civic associations: Živica, Young and Eco, Kde bolo, tam bolo. The Culture and solidarity workshops are carried out in co-operation with civic associations: Post bellum and Divadlo bez domova. All action teams also take part in a film workshop where they learn how to shoot short promos about their focused project.