Education in Bratislava

A way to actual improvements in education in the city

We want to create a centre to analyse problems and formulate recommendations in the area of education within the territory of the city. This centre will be established at the Department of Education and Sport within the City Hall.

What is planned under the Bratislava Education agenda?

  • To inter-connect educational institutions Those that provide formal and non-formal education within the territory of the cit. To strengthen their systematic co-operation and to create professional learning communities.
  • To create and manage an expert working group, which will be multi-disciplinary and multi-professional and will be advising in the areas of regional education in Bratislava
  • Recommendations in education for an important document of the Programme of Economic and Social Development of Bratislava for the years 2020 – 2030, in which the working group will actively participate.
  • To identify and address specific problems and current challenges in the area of education in Bratislava.

What challenges, for example? The introduction of teaching methods and methods of work with educational software in increasing the motivation of all participants in the educational process in the analysis of the culture and climate of the school or in the process of evaluating the school.

  • To organise professional conferences on given subject.
  • To map the state of Bratislava schools by the indicators such as subscription, achievements, climate and others.
  • To create and manage an information portal on educational opportunities within the city.

What are characteristic activities of Bratislava education?

  • We truly want to identify and implement working improvements and better the quality of education
  • Experts in education come from the ranks of teachers in nurseries, primary, secondary and higher education institutions, as well as from researchers, representatives of the third sector, parents, school administrative staff and representatives of Bratislava Region
  • All relevant participants in the educational and learning process within the Bratislava education are represented proportionally
  • Activities are on voluntary basis and strive to deliver systematic and lifelong learning
  • Communities of learners will work together and create networks

The aim is also to motivate and encourage improvements and consequently, to coordinate them.

What are the target groups for activities?

  • schools and school facilities operating within the territory of the city of Bratislava – primary, secondary and higher education
  • non-formal education providers operating within the territory of the city of Bratislava, including lifelong learning providers for seniors
  • pupils and parents as participants in the formal and non-formal educational process in Bratislava
  • seniors interested in formal, non-formal or informal education in Bratislava