What is spatial planning information?

Spatial planning information provides a summary of the regulations and recommendations on land of interest arising from the valid spatial planning documentation (the Zoning Plan of Bratislava, the capital city of the Slovak Republic, 2007, as amended).

It serves as material for the purchase and sale of land and for planned construction as well as for things like property settlement and procedures for the exclusion of areas from agricultural land.

The spatial planning information is issued for land in the “C” register and is not tied to the proprietary relationship to the land. In the case where planning information is requested for an “E'” register parcel, its content is only informative due to the location of this parcel in the city’s territory.

City boroughs provide spatial planning information in the area for which the procured zoning documentation is processed.

Spatial planning information provides details on:

  • the functional use of the land,
  • the intensity of land use or the area of interest (including the indicated values of the index of floor areas, the index of built-up areas and the coefficient of greenery in the case of areas of development),
  • the required regulations arising from the relevant zoning documentation should this be in force for the area (or other spatial planning documents and concepts in progress).

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Ako získať základné informácie o riešenom území?

Pre získanie základných informácií navštívte Geoportál mesta Bratislava, kde sú tieto informácie dostupné širokej verejnosti.


Pre viac informácií si v pravom stĺpci zaškrtnite aj mapovú vrstvu “Kataster”.


Pre lepšiu viditeľnosť odporúčame na vrstve “2.2 Regulačný výkres” kliknúť na tri bodky, zvoliť možnosť Priehľadnosť (druhý riadok) a posunúť posúvnik na lište (zvykne sa používať priehľadnosť 50%).


Po kliknutí na žiadanú parcelu alebo funkčnú plochu sa zobrazí tabuľka s informáciami o funkčnej ploche (číslo, názov, plocha, prípadne regulačný kód pri rozvojových územiach).


Ak by ste potrebovali informácie o konkrétnej parcele po kliknutí na mapu použite šípky (na hornej zelenej lište zobrazenej tabuľky). Označenie napr. (1 z 3) vám udáva koľko listov za sebou má aktuálne vyznačená plocha/parcela.

What to include in an application for spatial planning information?

In their applications for the issuing of spatial planning information, applicants shall state the following:

  • Contact details:
    • Applicant – individual: name, surname, permanent address, and mailing address or telephone number
    • Applicant – legal entity: name and registered office of the company, mailing address, contact person or telephone number
  • Location of the intended plan – cadastral area, name of the street or site, and parcel numbers from the “C” register
  • A description of the investment plan (e.g. a residential or multifunctional building)
  • A drawing of the parcels of interest in a copy of the cadastral map (ideally at a scale of 1:1000)

Upon written request, the Investment Guidance Department will process the planning information, which will be mailed to the applicant (by email upon request). If necessary, the department will arrange for the cooperation of the relevant specialised departments of Bratislava City Hall (e.g. the Traffic Engineering Department and the Technical Infrastructure Office) in the processing of the spatial planning information.