We can separately collect the following forms of waste:
- packaging and non-packaging waste (paper, glass, plastics, metals and composite packaging),
- biodegradable waste (community composting and individual composting),
- large volume waste,
- small construction waste,
- household waste containing harmful substances,
- household e-waste,
- batteries and accumulators,
- expired medicines,
- biodegradable kitchen waste from households.
Paper, glass, plastics, metals, and multi-layer combined materials
Yellow containers
You can throw in: clean and squeezed plastic beverage bottles, plastic bags, cosmetic packaging, household plastic packaging, foil, yoghurt cups, aluminium cans and clean beverage cartons
You cannot throw in: dirty plastics, floor coverings, packaging from hazardous substances (chemicals, motor oils, paints, etc.), rubber, handbags, foam, polystyrene, dirty foil, plexiglass, car plastics, swimming pools or blinds
Blue containers
You can throw in: plain paper such as newspapers, magazines, catalogues, advertising leaflets, notebooks, books and office paper (also shredded), folded hard cardboard and corrugated cardboard packaging
You cannot throw in: multi-layer packaging; waxed, greasy or otherwise soiled paper; aluminium foil; copy paper; carbonless paper; paper diapers; tracing paper; file folders; plastics or metals
Green containers
You can throw in: white and coloured clean glass of different sizes (but the metal caps and associated parts need to be removed) and glass shards
You cannot throw in: mirrors, glued safety glass, car glass, wire glass, light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, ceramics, paint-stained packaging, plastics, iron or windowpanes
(bell-shaped containers are also used for glass)
Individual components of separated waste (paper, glass and plastics collected together with metals) can also be handed in at collection yards.
Information on the location of containers for separated collection is provided by Odvoz a likvidácia odpadu a.s. (OLO) (zakazka@olo.sk)
Labels on packaging can make it easier for you to sort correctly. They inform you about:
- what material the packaging is made of,
- whether the packaging is reusable or not,
- whether the packaging is refundable,
- how to dispose of the packaging.
Biodegradable waste
Biodegradable waste from green maintenance
Brown collection bins and composting bins
You can throw in: flowers, wood chips, sawdust, grass clippings, branches, leaves, fruit and vegetable waste, rotten fruit and weeds
You cannot throw in: household waste of animal origin – particularly dairy and meat products
What are the obligations of those who produce waste from green maintenance?
They should prevent waste by individual or community composting. If this is not possible, the waste shall be deposited at a collection yard or at a permanent collection point designated by the city borough for the collection of garden waste and the like.
In individual housing developments, the producer of such waste is obliged to collect and put the waste in a composting bin or use a collection container with a minimum capacity of 120 litres with a collection interval of at least once every fourteen days from March to November.
How do you get involved in the collection of this waste?
Each household that is a payer of the local fee for municipal waste and small construction waste can fill out Form No. 7 – "Application ↗︎ for Participation in the System of Collection of Garden Waste" and send it to the Department of Local Taxes, Fees and Licences of Bratislava City Hall, Blagoevova 9, Bratislava (it can also be submitted at the Bratislava City Hall Registry Office on Primate’s Square).
Households may share a composting bin or a collection container by mutual written agreement, and they shall notify the city of this.
When are you entitled to a container replacement?
The delivery of a new composting bin or collection container is due at the end of its lifetime – at the earliest after five years.
Kitchen and restaurant waste
What are the kitchen owner's obligations?
They are obliged to ensure the management of biodegradable kitchen and restaurant waste, preferably by preventing the generation of this type of waste through composting and by using certified equipment.
The kitchen owner shall ensure the collection of biodegradable waste in the designated collection containers until it is transferred for processing to an authorised and contracted entity. There is an obligation to notify the city within one month of the date of signing the contract.
Where should the collection containers be placed?
Collection containers are to be located on the premises of the kitchen owner.
A list of authorised entities for the management of kitchen and restaurant waste ↗︎
How to dispose of edible oils and fats?
Producers of such waste from households shall collect the edible oils and fats separately from other components of waste in suitable resealable containers, such as plastic bottles that are empty of water, alcohol or food residues.
Edible oils and fats from households shall be handed over at a designated place or shall be given directly to an authorised entity.
A list of authorised entities for the disposal of edible oils and fats ↗︎
Ďalšie odpady
Large volume waste
What is large volume waste?
Furniture, sanitary fittings, doors, windows, flooring, carpets and similar objects
How often it is picked up?
City boroughs provide large volume waste collection twice a year – in spring and autumn – by bringing in large-capacity containers.
When and where is it picked up?
The locations and collection dates are published by the city boroughs on their websites, in newspapers and magazines, and on regional television and radio. The collection schedule for each street is published on the website of the respective city district.
Further information and contacts in city districts:
Staré mesto: www.staremesto.sk ↗︎, +421 2 59 246 333
Ružinov: www.ruzinov.sk ↗︎, +421 2 48 284 454 (Kancelária prvého kontaktu), +421 2 48 284 389 (Referát životného prostredia a verejnoprospešných služieb)
Vrakuňa: www.vrakuna.sk ↗︎, +421 2 40 204 824
Podunajské Biskupice: www.biskupice.sk ↗︎, +421 2 40 207 225
Nové Mesto: www.banm.sk ↗︎, +421 2 44 250 189 (EKO-podnik VPS – Zátišie), +421 2 55 423 689 (EKO-podnik VPS – Račianska 28)
Rača: www.raca.sk ↗︎, +421 2 44 889 264
Devínska Nová Ves: www.devinskanovaves.sk ↗︎, +421 2 64 778 692
Devín: www.devin.sk ↗︎, +421 2 60 202 514
Záhorská Bystrica: www.zahorskabystrica.sk ↗︎, +421 2 69 204 916
Rusovce: www.bratislava-rusovce.sk ↗︎, +421 2 68 207 022
Jarovce: www.jarovce.sk ↗︎, +421 2 62 860 010
Čunovo: www.cunovo.eu ↗︎, +421 2 62 850 621
Throughout the year, people with large volumes of waste may also take it to a collection yard under the conditions set by the collection yard operator.
Small construction waste
How to spare?
This can be done through collection yards or other facilities for the collection of municipal waste and small construction waste. The collection yard operator shall ensure the weighing of the quantity of the small construction waste and the issuing of a weighing slip as a basis for the determination of the fee.
The fee
There is an obligation to pay the fee for small construction waste from the day when the small construction waste is taken to the collection yard. The specifics of the notification of establishing the obligation to pay the fee for small construction waste are set out in Form No. 3. The rate of the fee is EUR 0.078 per kilogram of non-hazardous small construction waste.
Payers are individuals who are entitled to use or who actually use a flat, non-residential premises, a building or part of a building, or facility that is not a building or garden, vineyard, orchard, permanent grassland for a purpose other than business or land in the built-up areas of the city except for forest land and land that is registered in the cadastre of immovable property as a body of water.
Hazardous household waste
Due to its hazardous properties, household waste containing harmful substances reduces the recoverability of municipal waste and due to its very nature it can cause negative impacts if poorly handled.
What is it?
This can include household chemicals, oils and fats, paints, adhesives, pesticides, solvents and packaging contaminated with such materials.
How to dispose of it?
Such waste must be collected in identifiable (original packaging, with original label or other marking), sealed and sturdy containers which the waste will not leak or spill from.
Where to take it?
Places designated for their collection include:
- a collection yard or other facility for the collection of municipal waste or small construction waste,
- a collection point specified in the collection schedule (on the city or city district website) as a part of the regular collection of household waste containing hazardous substances that is provided by the city at least twice a year.
This collection shall be carried out by authorised entities who shall bring a vehicle to the place and time specified in the collection schedule where waste can be handed over directly.
Household e-waste
What is it?
Household e-waste includes consumer electronics, information technology and telecommunications equipment, lamps and other light sources, sound and video equipment, musical equipment, electrical and electronic tools, toys, recreational and sporting equipment, medical devices and monitoring and control equipment.
How to dispose of it?
E-waste should be handed over in its entirety.
Where to take it?
E-waste can be handed over to a producer of electrical equipment or to a responsibility organisation representing the producers of electrical equipment, at a collection point specified in the schedule of the regular collection of household e-waste in individual city boroughs, to a collection yard or directly to the distributor of electrical equipment.
Registered collection points for electrical equipment ↗︎
Arguss staff will provide information on the collection of e-waste on the toll-free telephone number +421 800 500 011.
A list of collection points for non-functioning lamps and other sources of light ↗︎
Used batteries and accumulators
Where are they?
These include button cells, sets of batteries or accumulators that are hermetically sealed and can be hand-carried, and automotive batteries and accumulators – e.g. batteries and accumulators used for the starter motor, lighting and the starting of a vehicle's engine and the vehicle’s illumination.
How to dispose of them?
Do so without taking them apart in any way.
Where to take them?
They can be disposed of in designated collection containers which have been set up in city locations by producers of batteries and accumulators; they can be disposed of by a third party; they can be disposed of by a producers’ responsibility organisation; they can be taken to a designated collection point according to the schedule of the regular municipal collection of household waste containing harmful substances; or they can be taken to a collection yard or to a distributor of batteries and accumulators as a part of a safe collection and disposal initiative.
More information: www.triedenieodpadu.sk/baterie ↗︎ www.malebaterky.sk ↗︎
Expired medicines
What are they?
They are veterinary medicines and human medicines that have not been consumed and medical devices.
**Where to take them? Veterinary and human medicines that have not been consumed and medical devices can be handed over to a pharmacy in accordance with the provisions of Section 74(3) of Act No 362/2011 Coll. on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts.
Labels on containers OLO (in SK)
- Glass09. 05. 2022 • PDF • 65.3 kB
- Paper09. 05. 2022 • PDF • 62.7 kB
- Plastic09. 05. 2022 • PDF • 76.5 kB
- Biodegradable garden waste09. 05. 2022 • PDF • 58.3 kB
- Information on the collection of batteries and accumulators (in SK)28. 03. 2024 • PDF • 218 kB
- Schedule of municipal waste containing harmful substances - spring 2022 (in SK)09. 05. 2022 • PDF • 71.4 kB
- Collection conditions (in SK)09. 05. 2022 • PDF • 315 kB
- The alchemy of sorting waste (SK)11. 12. 2024 • PDF • 722 kB