Waste Container Stands

Waste containers are a necessity for each apartment house. As they are large and located near the building, they take up a significant part of the public space, having an effect on the quality of the residential surroundings. Ideally, the dumpsters are located out of sight, but this is not possible in all instances. Hence, it is desirable to keep them in one location and to separate them from the surroundings by establishing a waste container stand. This will prevent the waste from dispersal, afford access to the dumpsters only for the residents of the apartment house, and may improve the quality of the surroundings following the installation of a green roof or walls of the stand.

Grant for 2022 is running and you can apply for it.. Take a look at Manual of (Re)construction of Waste Container Stands (below), apply for lease of municipal land, or prepare all the necessary documents. Do not forget that in order to get the grant, it is necessary to have the land under a container stand legally settled (owned, rented from the city).

Fotografia stojísk pre kontajnery

Types and sizes of the stands

The size and type of the stand depends on a variety of aspects, including the space and funds available, e location of the utility network in the area, as well as the nature and image of the surroundings. It is also important to take into account the requisite volume and number of the dumpsters. The waste container stands sizes are S, M, L, and XL. We should point out that, as of 2022, the stands will also need to house containers for collecting kitchen waste and oil.

Use the project documentation provided by the city

You can use one of the project documentations on offer from the city. There are three sample project documentations on offer, all of them drawn up as result of the competition for Waste Container Stand for Bratislava. This will save you time, your stand will conform to the approved criteria and will make the public space nicer. Of course, you are free to use your own project documentation, but the approval procedure will take longer.

We have prepared a manual for you to follow in creating a pleasant and functional dumpster stand

Take a look at the city’s Manual of (Re)construction of Waste Container Stands with regard to the construction and reconstruction of waste container stands in the public space. The manual was drawn up by the Department of the Head Architect.

Grants for waste container stands are governed by the requirements given in the manual of the City of Bratislava. We recommend that your constructor reads the manual thoroughly.

Fotografia kontajnerových stojisk


Grant for 2022 is available

We provide grants to support the construction and modification of waste container stands according to the Manual of (Re)construction of Waste Container Stands in Public Space of Bratislava, the Capital of the SR.

We should note that, in order to obtain the grant, you need to have clear ownership relations in respect of the land beneath the dumpster stand (either owned by you or rented from the city district or the city).

Grant may be awarded to be spent in 2022 only.

Find out more about the grant and municipal land lease ↗︎.