Honeylocust - Gleditsia triacanthos “Skyline“

This deciduous, broadly rounded tree with an open, broad crown and slightly overhanging branches is thornless. It grows well in a sunny position in all soil types and is completely hardy. It adorns urban spaces with its elegant foliage.

Gledíčia trojtŕňová - Gleditsia triacanthos ´Skyline´ 
Muchovník Lamarckov Ballerina

The Juneberry Tree - Amelanchier lamarckii “Ballerina“

This very handsome North American shrub or small tree is attractive in all seasons. This smaller tree with upright stems is an ideal solitary plant for a bed of shrubs or mixed plants, whether in sun or partial shade.

Pyramid Oak - Quercus robur “Fastigiata Koster“

This tree is semi-evergreen, completely hardy and easy to grow and care for. It has oblong wavy lobed dark green leaves and wrinkled bark in older age. Thanks to its narrow shape, this variety is suitable not only for parks and gardens, but also for planting in alleyways.

Dub letný
Lieska opadavá

Turkish hazel - “Corylus colurna“

This monoecious, deciduous, non-tall tree is native to south-eastern Europe, the Caucasus and southwest Asia. It is suitable for dry urban environments, where it is planted either as a solitary specimen or as borders along roads and also for slope-stabilisation.

Honeylocust - Gleditsia triacanthos “Sunbrust“

This medium-tall tree is native to North America. Its deciduous leaves are up to 20 cm long and resemble a fern leaf. The crown is elegant, thinner. As it is highly resistant to pollution, it is very suitable for planting in tree plantings, car parks or urban gardens.

Gledíčia trojtŕňová
 Jaseňovec metlinatý

Golden Rain Tree (Fastigiata) - Koelreuteria paniculata “Fastigiata“

This medium-sized ornamental shade tree grows to a height and spread of about 9m. In spring it catches the eye with its yellow flowers. Because of its drought tolerance, it is suitable for urban planting as a solitary plant or as a quality ornamental tree.

Japanese Flowering Cherry - Prunus serrulata “Kanzan“

This tree is one of the most popular and hardy species of ornamental cherry. It is an excellent tree for planting in tree plantations or growing as a solitary tree in the lawn, it also tolerates partial shade. At maturity it reaches a height of 8-10m and a spread of 5-8m.

Čerešňa japonská Kanzan
Jaseň štíhly

Common Ash - Fraxinus excelsior “Fastigiata Pyramidalis“

In Slovakia, this deciduous tree of the olive family is found mainly in the lowlands and is especially widely represented in the Danube floodplain forests. It is planted as an ornamental tree in parks. It is a drought-resistant columnar-growing tree that is suitable for limited spaces.

Sweet Gum Tree - Liquidambar styraciflua “Worplesdon“

The Sweet Gum Tree is a relatively large tree growing to a height of 20-25m at maturity. Initially, it forms a conical crown that changes to a spherical crown over time. We plant it for its unusual leaf shape and its beautiful autumn colour - from deep purple to purple-brown, yellow-orange to scarlet and burgundy-red.

Ambrovník styraxový

Other trees, which are planted in Bratislava

Callery Pear - Pyrus calleryana “Chanticleer“

This tree is one of the flowering trees with beautiful autumn foliage colouring of red-purple. At maturity it reaches a height of 8-10m and a spread of approximately 5m. The ornamental pear is a drought-resistant tree suitable for restricted spaces.

Upright Japanese Zelkova - Zelkova serrata “Fastigiata“

This tree tolerates urban environments very well, is not susceptible to frost damage and is attacked by very few pests. It is a columnar-growing tree that is suitable for restricted spaces.

Common Ash - Fraxinus excelsior “Fastigiata Pyramidalis“

In Slovakia, this deciduous tree of the olive family is found mainly in the lowlands and is especially widely represented in the Danube floodplain forests. It is planted as an ornamental tree in parks. It is a drought-resistant columnar-growing tree that is suitable for limited spaces.

Golden Rain Tree - “Koelreuteria paniculata“

This medium-sized ornamental tree grows to a height of about 8 m. It is one of a very small number of trees that flower in midsummer. At the beginning of July, it bursts into a profusion of greenish-yellow or bright yellow flowers. It is often grown as a solitary tree, but also as an ornamental tree in urban planting.

Golden locust - Robinia pseudoacacia “Frisia“

This highly ornamental tree grows to a height of 20–25m. It has a medium-branched, irregular crown and very fragrant, honey-coloured flowers. It grows well in hot, dry climates, but also tolerates winter cold well. You can find it in city streets, but also in city gardens.

Field Maple - Acer campestre “Elsrijk“

This is a conical variety of our native Field Maple tree. It is a small- to medium-sized tree growing to a height of 8-10m and a spread of 4-6m. In youth it is regularly conical and compact, later it becomes more broadly oval. It grows slowly to moderately fast. In early November the leaves turn yellow or yellow-green, more rarely orange. It tolerates urban planting well and resists wind very well. It only tolerates full shade with difficulty.

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