The Bratislava for All Social Grant Program

One option for obtaining grants to support operations and development activities in Bratislava is the city’s social grants programme called Bratislava pre všetkých (Bratislava for All).

It is designed for non-profit projects in the field of social help and support.

You can find more details on the current calls and results on this page and on the Facebook page of Bratislava for All ↗︎.

Registered applicants can also find the calls on their application form website ( ↗︎).

Who Provides Grants?

The grants programme is funded by the city of Bratislava.

The projects are evaluated by a committee consisting of experts in the respective field and representatives of the city.

Based on their recommendation, the grants are approved by the representative bodies of the city.

You can find more details regarding the process in the statutes of the grants programme and in the Generally Binding Ordinances of the City of Bratislava No. 16/2012 and No. 5/2022 (you can find them below).

Who Can Apply for Grants?

Grants are provided to:

  • non-profit organisations, civil associations, and foundations of Bratislava that have not been established by the city or its districts.

Once a year, several calls are released, addressing the city’s strategic priorities in the field of social help.

Generally, each year we relase four calls - in the fields of

  • support for inter-generational solidarity and quality of life of senior citizens of Bratislava;
  • children, youth and families at risk;
  • prevention and safety in locations at risk and reduction of drug-related risks;
  • organisations supporting homeless people.

An organisation can apply to several calls, but may only submit one project in each.

You can find more details about the qualified applicants in the statutes of the grant programme and in the individual calls. Those are released in the beginning of the calendar year on the website of ↗︎.

How to Apply?

In the case of grant calls, you can apply for the grant within the time period indicated by:

  • Completing a grant application form in the respective call link on the website of ↗︎**. You can find sample form in the section Documents below.
  • You need to attach the required attachments to the application form – those are usually documents such as authorisation to act on behalf of the organisation, your organisation’s statutes, or a certificate of holding a current account with a bank.


We suggest you prepare your project at a high level – pay attention to its objectives and ways of meeting them (specific activities, method of project promotion etc). You can make use of consultations regarding the content of the project and the grant allocation process prior to submitting it. You can find more details in the statutes of the programme.

How Much Can I Get and How Much Must I Co-Fund?

The grant calls require your co-funding – usually, you need to pay 10 % of the volume yourself.

There is also a specified maximum and minimu amount of the grant you can get.

You can find more details in the specific grant call (see links at the bottom of this page).


If you have not found all the answers you need, you may contact us at our email address.

Related generally binding regulations

Archive of previous grant calls 2024

Archive of previous grant calls 2023

Archive of previous grant calls 2021