Community Plan of Social Services of Bratislava

How easy will it be to find a carer to take care of our elderly? Will your handicapped friends be able to use the municipal services without restrictions? Will you know who to contact if your children are experimenting with drugs excessively?

In order for Bratislava to be a good place to live in for everybody, we need to be sensitive to the needs of its residents – and to meet those needs accordingly.

This plan of satisfying the needs of the residents of the capital is denoted as Community Plan of Social Services (Komunitný plán sociálnych služieb).

In the Plan, you will find its goals and how to quantify goal completion in social areas (social services); it defines the measures designed to achieve the vision of development of social services in the city.

  • The right tools and strategies can help us prepare even for the biggest challenges (for example, issues raised by an ageing population) and mitigate the impacts.
  • By law, all municipalities in Slovakia need to have a community plan of social services. Accordingly, in Bratislava, its boroughs, as well as the capital itself, have prepared theirs.
  • The Community Plan of Social Services of Bratislava, the Capital City of the Slovak Republic, is linked to other strategic documents of the city, in particular:
    • Bratislava 2030 ↗︎ (Plán hospodárskeho a sociálneho rozvoja) (plan of economic and social development)
    • Koncepcia mestskej bytovej politiky 2020-2030 (Concept of Municipal Housing Policy 2020-2030).


What is the process of creating a community plan?

Community planning

A community plan is created through a process called community planning. Within it, the needs of the residents are mapped and compared with the existing network of social services.


Everyone affected by social services is involved in community planning:

  • persons with experience in social services (citizens),
  • social service providers (third sector, non-profit organizations, etc.),
  • also contractors of social services (city, town districts).

The goal is to conduct an open dialogue about the future form of social services.

All about current community planning

Since 2023, Bratislava has been developing a citywide community plan for social services in collaboration with its boroughs. The plan is citywide because it defines the fundamental direction of social policy not only for Bratislava but also for its boroughs.

The citywide community plan sets development goals for social services in various areas, ranging from addressing an aging population to drug policy and the overall advancement of social services, such as improving public awareness. The plan will be discussed and published during 2024.

This citywide community plan expands upon the already approved Community Plan of Social Services for Bratislava 2023–2030 (PDF, 8,5 MB) ↗︎, which outlines Bratislava’s responsibilities in the field of social services.


If you are interested in more information, do not hesitate to reach out to us through e-mail.

Working materials and minutes of CPSS meetings