Traffic Permits

How to apply for permits?

You can submit each permit application electronically (via the portal ↗︎) or in paper form.

Applying for:

Road markings and street furniture assessment

When do I need to apply for a permit?

You need to ask the city for a permit if you need to install traffic signs (temporary or permanent, vertical or horizontal) on local roads or private land (e.g. private car park)

Processing your application will be quicker if you submit completed application:

  • at least 30 days before the planned installation of the road markings (that is if you do not apply for any other permits at the same time)
  • at least 60 days in advance if you are also applying for additional permits (e.g. special use of highway, road closure)

You need to apply for a permit for:

  • Reserved parking
  • Road excavations works
  • Road closures
  • Construction work
  • Events

If there are going to be road excavation works, apart from road markings assessment, it is necessary to complete additional permit application. When you click on the icon, you will be redirected to the additional application form.

To apply, you will need to attach:

Required documents:

  • The Traffic Management Provisions Proposal (POD), illustrating the proposed traffic signage
  • Binding Statement of the Regional Transport Inspectorate (KDI)

Special attachments:

  • Setting of wider connections
  • Road authorities views on proposed road markings placing
  • Copy of the planning permission
  • Statement of Bratislava Transport Company

In order for your application to be processed, in some cases, you will also need to attach particular documents. You can apply without them and make them available at a later date. Your application can be processed only after we received all the necessary documents.

Useful information

  • If the road is not under the City Hall’s administration, it is necessary to attach the Statement of the administrative authority. HERE you can find the administrative authority for the road for which you are seeking permit.
  • The city issues ONLY the permit. The traffic signs and their installation need to be arranged by the applicant.
  • For installation of road signs and street furniture you need a valid permit. The permit is valid as soon as it is posted on the city's website.
  • The issued permit becomes invalid if the placement of road markings and street furniture is not completed within the specified time period.
  • Once the permit runs out, the applicant is obliged to restore all road signs and street furniture to their original state.
  • If it is of general interest, the city reserves the right to amend or to revoke the permit.
Application form download

Road closures

When do I need to apply for a permit?

If you need to close local roads of I or II class, partially or completely, you need to apply to the city for a permit

Your application can be processed only after you submit completed application form at least 30 days before the expected date of permit issue.

To apply, you will need to attach:

Required documents:

  • Setting of wider connections with the requested closure location and GPS coordinates of the start and end of the closure
  • Exact description of the closure – length, width and its position to existing intersections or buildings (e.g., 30m from the junction in the direction from the city centre to..., or behind the junction with the street... in what direction ..., in front of building No...)
  • The Traffic Management Provisions Proposal and Definitions (POD), illustrating the proposed traffic signage
  • Binding Statement of the Regional Transport Inspectorate (This document can be obtained by applying to the Regional Directorate of the Police Force, Špitálska 14, Bratislava)

Special attachments:

Where a closure is requested due to construction:

  • Valid planning permission (or notice of small construction/building modifications)

If you are representing an eligible applicant:

  • Power of Attorney

In order for your application to be processed, in some cases, you will also need to attach particular documents. You can apply without them and make them available at a later date. Your application can be processed only after we received all the necessary documents.

For a road closure you need a valid permit. The applicant, upon the expiry of the permit, is obliged to restore all road signs and street furniture to their original state.

Application form download (PDF, 129kB)

Special use of local roads for excavation work

When do I need to apply for a permit?

You need to apply to the city for a permit if you want to carry out works on the local roads of 1 or II class or on pavements along the roads of I or III class:

  • carry out excavation work
  • carry out over-pressure works

Your application can be processed only after you submit completed application form at least 30 days before the planned works start.

To apply, you will need to attach:

Required documents:

  • Zoning decision or planning permission with validity clearly indicated or notification of the Notice of a small building by type of construction
  • Setting of wider connections
  • A drawing of the excavation site with dimensions, detailed marking of the open excavation site or over-pressure under the local road (pavement, carriageway)
  • Binding statement of the Regional Transport Inspectorate of the Regional Directorate of the Police Force in Bratislava of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic
  • The Traffic Management Provisions Proposal (POD) approved by the Road Administration Authority

Special attachments:

If the applicant is different to a Constructor, please also attach:

  • Power of Attorney or Authorisation

If the excavation works should take longer than 7 days, please also attach:

  • Work schedule

In order for your application to be processed, in some cases, you will also need to attach particular documents. You can apply without them and make them available at a later date. Your application can be processed only after we received all the necessary documents.

Application form download

Special use of local roads for the storage of materials, scaffolding, container, seating area/terrace, event or for street vending

When do I need to apply for a permit?

You must apply for permission if you want to:

  • organise a cultural/sporting event,
  • set up the presentation stand/stage,
  • set up an information stand of the civic association,
  • set up street vending equipment,
  • to park transmission and filming technology,
  • set up terrace/outdoor seating operation,
  • to keep construction site equipment,
  • place scaffolding/container,
  • or make a film on the local road of I or II class, on the pavement at the thoroughfare of the roads.

List of local roads of I and II catagory ↗︎

Your application can be processed only after you submit completed application form at least 30 days before the planned works start.

To apply, you will need to attach:

Required documents:

  • Setting of wider connections
  • A drawing of the special use site with dimensions, illustration must include the dimensions
  • Binding statement of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, Regional Directorate of the Police Force in Bratislava, Regional Transport Inspectorate (This document can be obtained by applying to the Regional Directorate of the Police Force, Špitálska 14, 812 28 Bratislava). For more information, please contact the Transport Inspectorate directly by phone)

Special attachments:

If the applicant is different to a Constructor, please also attach:

  • Power of Attorney or Authorisation

If you intend to create a seating terrace, attach also:

To the application for construction site equipment storage, container location, scaffolding, parking of a vehicle, please also attach the following:

  • Permit/notification of the building authority
  • Where appropriate, assessment of the use of road signs and street furniture*

The completed application form can be submitted in the filing department or sent by post.

In order for your application to be processed, in some cases, you will also need to attach particular documents. You can apply without them and make them available at a later date. Your application can be processed only after we received all the necessary documents.

Application form download

No entry road exemption permit

When do I need to apply for a permit?

If you need to get to your, or rented property, or your place of permanent residence which is located in a No Entry Road by motor vehicle, the city can issue a “No Entry Road Exemption Permit”

Your application can be processed only after you submit completed application form at least 30 days before you plan to use “No Entry” road.

To apply, you will need to attach:

An individual, Legal entity, Disabled person:

permanent residence
Vehicle registration certificate
Title deed
Rental agreement
ID card
Proof of the parking space entitlement

Special attachments:

If the applicant is different to the owner or the tenant:

  • Power of Attorney or Authorisation

In order for your application to be processed, in some cases, you will also need to attach particular documents. You can apply without them and make them available at a later date. Your application can be processed only after we received all the necessary documents.

Application form download

Organizing a network of local roads

When do I need to apply for a permit?

If you own the road, and you have a valid planning permit and a certificate of completion for the road in question and you require:

  • Adding to the network of local roads
  • Discharging from the network of local roads
  • Re-classification in the local road network

Your application can be processed only after you submit completed application form at least 30 days before the expected date of issue.

To apply, you will need to attach:

Required documents:

  • Proof of ownership of the city to the local road to be classed
  • 3 copies of technical description of the road
  • 3 copies of the road layout based on cadastral map
  • Copies of road documents
  • Binding statement of the future road authority on the takeover of the road under their administration and maintenance

Special attachments:

If the applicant is represented by a third party:

  • Power of Attorney or Authorisation

If the original documents or the original project documentation are not available:

  • Drawn up simplified project documentation of the actual execution of the construction

When you are discharging from the local road network, you need:

  • Interim agreement between the original administrator and the future administrator on the method of assets transfer
  • Written declaration of the future use of land and roads

When re-classifying local roads:

  • Written consent of the original administrator to the handover of the ground communication
  • Written consent of the future administrator to take over the ground communication

*In order for your application to be processed, in some cases, you will also need to attach particular documents. You can apply without them and make them available at a later date. Your application can be processed only after we received all the necessary documents.

Radi by sme dali do pozornosti, že...

Za vydanie rozhodnutia vo veci usporiadania pozemných komunikácií neplatíte správny poplatok.

Bez majetkovoprávneho usporiadania pozemkov pod pozemnou komunikáciou (navrhnutou na zaradenie do siete miestnych ciest) v prospech hlavného mesta SR Bratislavy, nie je možné predmetnú pozemnú komunikáciu zaradiť do siete miestnych ciest. Majetkovoprávne vzťahy vybavuje v samostatnom procese Sekcia správy nehnuteľností magistrátu.

Každá pozemná komunikácia, ktorá je navrhnutá na zaradenie do siete miestnych ciest, musí byť bezodplatne prevedená do majetku hlavného mesta SR Bratislavy.

  • Prevod nových stavieb pozemných komunikácií do majetku mesta vybavuje v samostatnom procese oddelenie geodetických činností magistrátu – prosíme kontaktujte v danom prípade toto oddelenie pre dalšie informácie – a tiež prevod pozemných komunikácií, ktoré boli skolaudované v minulosti, ale neboli zatriedené do siete miestnych ciest.
  • Pozemné komunikácie, ktorých vlastníctvo bolo osvedčené príslušným stavebným úradom (na základe predloženého zjednodušeného pasportu v zmysle § 104 zákona č. 50/1976Zb. o územnom plánovaní a stavebnom poriadku - stavebný zákon - v znení neskorších predpisov), vybavuje v samostatnom procese oddelenie správy komunikácií magistrátu, prosíme kontaktujte v danom prípade toto oddelenie pre ďalšie informácie.

Pozemnú komunikáciu je možné zaradiť do siete miestnych ciest I. II. III. a IV. triedy a to na základe jej parametrov.

  • Ak bude miestna cesta zaradená do siete miestnych ciest ako cesta I. alebo II. triedy, jej vlastníkom a správcom bude hlavné mesto SR Bratislava.
  • Ak bude miestna cesta zaradená do siete miestnych ciest ako cesta III. alebo IV. triedy, jej vlastníkom bude hlavné mesto SR Bratislava a správcom príslušná mestská časť.

K tomu je potrebné získať Záväzné stanovisko príslušnej mestskej časti k budúcej správe predmetnej pozemnej komunikácie.

Download application form

Reserved parking

When do I need to apply for a permit?

Ask the city for a reserved parking permit if you need parking on local roads of I and II class and on pavements and I to III road classes to thoroughfares.

In zones with an established parking policy, a reserved parking permit may be issued only to persons with a disabled person parking card.

Your application can be processed only after you submit completed application form at least 30 days before the expected date of issue.

To apply, you will need to attach:

Required documents:

  • Supporting documents for your application – An individual – proof of permanent residency – ID card, legal person- documents detailing the registered office or business premises in their ownership by title deed or by rental agreement of a rented property
  • Copy of vehicle registration certificate
  • Binding statement from the Regional Transport Inspectorate of the Regional Directorate of the Police Force in Bratislava of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic
  • The Traffic Management Provisions Proposal (POD) approved by the Road Administration Authority (the parking space drawing must include dimensions, if it is located on the pavement must contain, in addition, dimensions of free width of the pavement and dimensions of the width between the parking space and the fixed barrier, such as wall, street lighting, greenery, etc.)
Legal entity - owner of the business
Legal entity - lessee
An individual
Person with disabilities
The Traffic Management Provisions Proposal (POD)*
Binding statement of the Regional Transport Inspectorate
Copy of identity card
Copy of vehicle registration certificate
Copy of the parking card of an individual with disabilities
Property plot number and the name of the cadastral area***
Copy of the rental agreement

*The Traffic Management Provisions Proposal (POD) must be selected by the road administration authority, indicating the reference number of the consultation meeting minutes and serial number **does not need to be documented if there are reserved spaces for the customers *** or the title deed

To renew the Disabled person permit, you will need an affidavit that there has been a change in the personal data and Disabled person’s parking card.

Special attachments:

If the applicant is not the person for whom the permit is to be issued:

  • Power of Attorney or Authorisation

If the applicant holds a Disabled person parking card:

  • Copy of the Disabled person parking card

In order for your application to be processed, in some cases, you will also need to attach particular documents. You can apply without them and make them available at a later date. Your application can be processed only after we received all the necessary documents.

Download application form

Permit to stop at the "Most SNP" tourist bus stop

When is it necessary to request permission?

If you are a carrier that, through buses, provides service for cruise ships arriving in Bratislava and needs to use the "Most SNP" stop for tourist buses on the Rázus embankment. This stop is used exclusively for the purpose of embarking/disembarking passengers (tourists) from cruise ships in the port.

What do you need to apply

  • a list of vehicles (buses) with the EČV number for which the applicant requests to stop at the bus stop
  • a copy of the certificate of registration of the vehicle (bus) for which the applicant requests to stop at the bus stop
  • a copy of the contract with the shipping company or travel agency, for which the applicant provides the transfer of passengers (tourists) from ships anchored in the port to the city center and back
  • a copy of the permit to exercise the profession of road transport operator or the Community license pursuant to Act 56/2012 Coll. about road transport
  • list of ships to which transport is provided
Download application form


Creating the entrance/access point

Application form download (DOCX,129kB) ↗︎

Special road use of local roads for the transport of excess and oversized cargo

Application form download (DOCX ,100kB) ↗︎

Planting or cutting down of road greenery

Application form download (DOCX,92,9kB) ↗︎

Issuing of a statement of the “CSO” as the competent authority in territorial proceedings/ issuing the CSO's consent to the laying down, reconstruction, removal of utilities

Application form download (DOCX, 93,9kB) ↗︎


Department of traffic permits


Consultation Minutes on road traffic modifications, road markings assessment