Responsible public procurement
As a public procurement authority, the city extends the application of the "responsible" public procurement principle every year; this principle aims to contribute to more efficient procurement while also supporting the environment and the society we live in.
These objectives are strategic goals for Slovakia and the EU, and they are starting to be legal requirements. The good news is that the city has exceeded statutory minimum quotas and is one of the most active procurement authorities in Slovakia in this area.
The city started applying responsible procurement in 2019. Since then, it has been trying to increase the number of contracts every year where the responsible aspect is applied as well as their financial share. In 2021, the city awarded forty-eight responsible contracts, of which twenty-nine of which were "green" and twenty-two were "social". (Three contracts had both green and social aspects).
An overview of responsible contracts
Year 2021 2020 2019
Number of responsible contracts 48 17 7
Applied principle(s): The green aspect was applied in 29 projects, and the social aspect was applied in 22 projects. The green aspect was applied in 11 projects, and the social aspect was applied in 8 projects. The green aspect was applied in all contracts.
The city also seeks to promote and spread the idea of responsible public procurement so that other purchasers can benefit from this evolving practice. For this reason, the city publishes case studies on individual responsible purchasing (see below) which can be used as sources of inspiration. Please note that it might not be appropriate to copy the contract settings using exactly the same words, because the economic settings (e.g. the weight of individual criteria) may vary from contract to contract.