The Department of Culture

Objectives and competencies of the Culture Department

The Culture Department of the Magistrate of the Capital City of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava provides:

  • coordination and delivery of a concept of cultural development
  • setting up and implementing mechanisms for cultural support
  • methodological regulation and development of the contributory organisations of the Capital
  • overall agenda of the cultural heritage
  • cross-border co-operation in the field of culture
  • agenda of the Bratislava City Archive (Archív mesta Bratislavy)


Nina Vrbanová Head of the Department of Culture +421 2 59 356 181 e-mail: [email protected]

The Department of Culture provides:

  • preparation of conceptual documents in the cultural area, including provision for their implementation and evaluation
  • methodical co-ordination and co-operation in preparing analytical materials on subject matter
  • completing tasks relating to protection and presentation of the cultural heritage of the Capital
  • completing tasks arising from administrative competence of the Capital to the budgetary and contributory organisations in the cultural field
  • organisation, or at least part taking in organising city-wide or cultural events of city-wide importance taking place abroad according to the annual plan of events
  • attendance of delegates or ambassadors of the Capital at the cultural events abroad
  • co-ordination, governance, and guidance in activities of contributory organisations that were set up by the city from the point of view of expertise and methodology: Bratislava cultural and information centre (Bratislavské kultúrne a informačné stredisko), Bratislava City Gallery (Galéria mesta Bratislavy), Bratislava City Library (Mestská knižnica v Bratislave), Bratislava City Museum (Múzeum mesta Bratislavy), Municipal Monument Preservation Institute in Bratislava (Mestský ústav ochrany pamiatok).
  • statistical investigation according to the programme of state statistical investigations and administrative collection of data to the extent of reporting duty according to the Law on State Statistics in the cultural area.
  • administration of the war graves
  • administration of grant programmes in the cultural field, supervision of their delivery and administrative supervision of accounting
  • administration of agenda for fireworks permits
  • administration of the agenda relating to the protection of monuments trust and issues relating to the monuments, memorials and art works installed in the public spaces
  • preparation of materials intended for the decision-making activities of the bodies of the Capital, Bratislava (Mayor, City Council, Municipal Board…)
  • preparation of expert opinions and data for petitions and complaints, interpellations of members of the City Council, relating to the objectives of the department
  • co-operation with community associations, other organisations and foundations within the Capital districts which focus their activities on support of cultural development in the capital and its presentation abroad
  • co-ordination and collaboration with contributory organisations of the Capital in preparation of the city-wide cultural events
  • co-operation with nationwide cultural institutions, local government, local cultural organisations as well as with other cultural organisations with registered seat in the district of the Capital
  • projects and events co-operation of the organisations and bodies of the Capital in the subject area
  • draw up a budget plan of the department and oversee its expenditure
  • coordinate activities of the Capital subjects operating in the cultural area in implementing concept of tourism development approved by the Municipal Board
  • initiating and co-operation of development projects in the cultural area
  • collaboration in creation of programmes and other materials with the emphasis on the cultural area
  • expert collaboration and participation in implementation of projects financed by external sources