Administration of Physical Education and Recreational Facilities (STaRZ)

STaRZ is the Administration of Physical Education and Recreational Facilities of Bratislava. It creates opportunities for:

  • development of interest in physical education, sports, and recreational activities
  • increasing physical and psychological resilience and healthy way of living for residents and visitors of Bratislava

STaRZ was established on the 1.1.1979 as a budget municipal organisation. With effect from 1.1.2007, STaRZ became a contributory organisation.

Fotka - Zimný štadión Ondreja Nepelu

As part of its mission, it particularly fulfils the following tasks:

  • manages and ensures the operation of urban physical, recreational and sports facilities and buildings,
  • organises sporting and sport-cultural events,
  • ensures the provision of physical education services in managed physical education and sports facilities,
  • ensures the use of physical education, recreational and sports facilities for sporting activities on the short-term rental basis,
  • performs the administration and maintenance of the main cycling routes within the territory of the city.


  • Zimný štadión Ondreja Nepelu (Ondrej Nepela Arena)
  • Zimný štadión Harmincova (Winter stadium)
  • Plaváreň Pasienky (Pasienky Swimming pool)
  • Cvičko (outdoor gym)
  • Fit STARZ - Tehelné pole (Fitness Center)
  • Sports hall and outdoor multifunctional playground Harmincova
  • Sauna Delfín
  • Areál zdravia Zlaté Piesky (Zlaté Piesky Health complex)
  • Letné kúpaliská - Rosnička, Lamač, Tehelné pole, Delfín, Krasňany, Rača (Outdoor swimming pools)
Fotka - Starz, beh

The StaRZ, can be contacted directly for more information about the sporting opportunities at the municipal sports grounds and about sporting events organized by StaRZ, via e-mail or by phone.



Správa telovýchovných a rekreačných zariadení hlavného mesta Slovenskej republiky Bratislavy Junácka 4, 831 04 Bratislava