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The zoning plan for the Zone Machnáč deals with the area of a predominantly individual low-storey building character on the northwest side of Bratislava - Stare Mesto district. The Zone Machnáč is defined by the streets: Slávičie Valley, Hrebendova, Jančova, Mudroňova, Búdková, Lovinského, Pri Habánskom mlyne and Mlynská Valley. In the proposal for binding regulation of mass-spatial planning, the area is divided into eight sites and each site is further divided into sectors.

Binding regulation in the zoning plan for the Zone Machnáč determines the limits of land use, lays down the regulations of functional and mass – spatial planning, transport and technical facilities, as well as the principles of protection and preservation of nature and landscape within individual sectors of this site.

The 2002 amendments of the zoning plan for the Zone Machnáč, the zoning documentation updating the zoning plan for the Zone Machnáč from the 1999, was approved by the Resolution No 111/2003 of the City Council of 26.6.2003. A binding part of the Zone Machnáč zoning plan was decreed by the Generally Binding Regulation of Bratislava No. 2/2003 ↗︎ of 26 June 2003.

Based on the registered objections to change the regulation of the mass-spatial planning, zoning documentation for the 2002 amendments of the zoning plan for the Zone Machnáč was subsequently procured, which updates the regulations of mass-spatial planning partially within the Machnáč site, but particularly in sectors No. 1-10/4, 1-10/8, 3-10/3, 5-11/3, 8-44/13 and 8-44/13A and the amendment of community benefitting construction within the site while preserving the planning concept according to current zoning plan in this zone. The 2005 amendment of the zoning plan for the Zone Machnáč, was approved by the Resolution No. 598/2008 of the Bratislava City Council on 15.12.2008. The binding part of the relevant zoning plan for the Zone Machnáč was decreed by the Generally Binding Regulation of Bratislava No. 11/2008 ↗︎ of 15 December 2008.

Related generally binding regulations
