Nature and Landscape Conservation
Nature and landscape conservation means reducing interventions that may threaten, damage or destroy the conditions and forms of life, the natural heritage and the appearance of the landscape, or that may reduce its ecological stability. This also includes the elimination of the consequences of these interventions as well as caring for the ecosystems.

Map of protected areas in Bratislava
Levels of protection
For the territorial protection of nature and the landscape, there are five levels of protection that have been established by law:
- The first level of protection applies to the entire territory of Slovakia except for protected areas and protection zones – where the second to fifth levels of protection apply instead.
- Entry and parking a motor vehicle, an animal-drawn vehicle and a bicycle is prohibited in areas with the second level of protection.
- In areas with the third level of protection, it is forbidden to carry out activities from the second level of protection, walk outside the marked hiking or nature trails, camp, tent, ride horses, ski, climb, do ski mountaineering or other sports activities or collect plants (including their fruit).
- In areas with the fourth level of protection it is forbidden to carry out activities from the third level of protection; extract timber in a clear-cut manner; install any advertising, informational or promotional equipment; apply chemical substances and fertilisers; plough grassland; fence the land; collect minerals and fossils; or let dogs loose.
- The fifth level of protection includes areas where it is forbidden to carry out activities from the fourth level of protection; disturb the forest cover and damage the vegetation and soil cover; build a forest road or a slope; disturb the peace and quiet; or catch, hunt or kill any animals.
Categories of protected areas
Protected areas are divided into the following categories:
- protected landscape area (CHKO),
- protected site (CHA),
- nature reserve (PR) and national nature reserve (NPR),
- natural monument (PP) and national natural monument (NPP),
- protected landscape element (CHKP),
- protected bird area (CHVÚ) – part of the Natura 2000 European network of protected areas,
- sites of European importance (ÚEV) – part of the Natura 2000 European network of protected areas.
Protected areas in Bratislava
The following protected areas are located in Bratislava:
- Large protected areas CHKO Malé Karpaty a CHKO Dunajské luhy.
- the Malé Karpaty protected landscape area,
- the Dunajské luhy protected landscape area.
- Small protected areas in Bratislava include the following:
- Protected areas: Bajdel, Devínske alúvium Moravy, Hrabiny, Poľovnícky les, Bôrik, Borovicový lesík, Zeleň pri vodárni, Chorvátske rameno, Jarovská bažantnica, Lesné diely, Horský park, Sihoť, Pečniansky les, and Soví les
- Nature reserves: Fialková dolina, Gajc, Kopačský ostrov, Topoľové hony, Dunajské ostrovy, Starý háj, Ostrovné lúčky, Štokeravská vápenka, and Slovanský ostrov
- National nature reserve: Devínska Kobyla
- Natural monuments: Rosslerov lom, Devínska lesostep, and Pánsky diel
- National natural monument: Devínska hradná skala
- Protected landscape element: Vápenický potok
- Protected bird areas: Sysľovské polia, Dunajské luhy, Záhorské Pomoravie, and Malé Karpaty
- Sites of European importance: Devínske jazero, Rieka Morava, Devínske lúky, Devínske alúvium Moravy, Vydrica, Homolské Karpaty, Devínska Kobyla, Bratislavské luhy, Biskupické luhy, Ostrovné lúčky, and Hrušov
- Ramsar sites: Alúvium Moravy and Dunajské luhy
Due to the increased interest of individuals and legal entities, and in order to raise the awareness of Bratislava residents, the city (in cooperation with the Nature Conservation Service of the Slovak Republic and the Regional Nature Conservation Centre in Bratislava) has published a better graphic (map) representation of the protected areas. This real-space view contains basic information about the categories and levels of protection in the Google Earth application. Download the Google Earth app and view the files below (mchu ba 2014/vchu ba 2014).