Accessible and accurate data form the basis for a high quality of life in the city and informed decision-making. Accordingly, the capital city provides and updates the information system of all environmental elements and informs the public about the state of the environment in Bratislava.

The information is divided into categories:

  • Water
  • Waste
  • Air
Fotografia - Ľudia sediaci na Tyršovom nábreží


What is Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and which plants require it?

It is a set of measures aimed at preventing pollution, reducing emissions released into air, water and soil, reducing waste production, recovering and disposing of it so as to achieve a high overall level of environmental protection. Pursuant to Act No. 39/2013 Coll. according to § 38, the Ministry of the Environment establishes the IPPC information system, which includes the Register of plants requiring integrated pollution prevention and control and issued integrated permits:

Enviroportal ↗︎ Slovak Environmental Inspectorate ↗︎ Slovak Environmental Inspectorate - applications ↗︎

How does wastewater collection and treatment and drinking water supply work?

Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s. (Bratislava waterworks) supplies drinking water to approximately 740,000 regular customers in 118 municipalities across the region of western Slovakia.

It draws its water primarily from extremely high-quality underground sources. Thanks to the favourable location near the Danube and the unique gravel-sand bedrock, these resources are abundant and of high quality.

The second key task of BVS is the sewerage for wastewater in the municipalities that are connected to the public sewerage network. More than 1,800 km of sewer pipes are used for this purpose, transporting wastewater to 23 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs).

One of them is the Central WWTP in Vrakuňa, the largest WWTP in Slovakia, with a capacity of 172,800 m3 per day or 2,000 l per second. (source: BVS) There are 3 WWTPs in Bratislava: in Vrakuňa, Petržalka and Devínská Nová Ves.

More information ↗︎



The capital city is responsible for the management of municipal waste and minor construction waste generated on its territory, and also allows the residents of Bratislava to dispose of municipal waste components free of charge in accordance with the valid operating rules of the collection yard OLO a.s.

Information and forms for composting waste


By law, the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ) is the authorised organisation for the monitoring and assessment of air quality. Air quality in the capital is monitored and evaluated at five measuring stations in the following locations:

  • Kamenné námestie
  • Trnavské mýto
  • Jesényiova
  • Mamateyova
  • Púchovská

Measured values from monitoring stations are published and available on the SHMÚ website and also on the map of the web application ↗︎.

The results of measurements from its three measuring stations are also published and evaluated on the SHMÚ website by Refinery Slovnaft, a.s., specifically in the locality of Podunajské Biskupice. Based on the results of these measurements and emission inventories for the previous year, the SHMÚ prepares a report on air quality in the Bratislava agglomeration and publishes it on its website.


Information on the air quality status for the whole of Slovakia, published on the SHMÚ website

On the basis of the Air Act, as amended, air quality is assessed in respect of the concentration limit values for the following pollutants: suspended particulate matter PM10, PM2.5, nitrogen dioxide, benzo(a)pyrene, benzene and sulphur dioxide. In addition to these pollutants, heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium and nickel) are also assessed under the Air Act (source: SHMU)

More information

Air quality alert system

Air Act No. 137/2010 Coll. No. 244/2016 Coll. and Regulation on Air Quality No. 244/2016 Coll. as amended, set limit values for the concentrations of certain pollutants to protect human health from adverse air quality.

More information

Information about flares

Flares are one of the most visible parts of any Slovnaft refinery. The role of flares is the controlled combustion of excess gases from a closed production system. These gases can arise during controlled or emergency shutdown of production units, during instability or modifications of the technological regime, during start-ups of production units, but also, for example, during a power failure. Flames from flares, smoke, noise or vibrations may be a cause for concern, but they do not represent a danger to the surroundings. On the contrary, they are a signal that the complex system of refinery production units is working reliably and the flares are doing their job. (source: Youtube)

In the event of questions, a 24-hour hot-line is available to the public on +421 2 40 558 929

Drought monitoring

Drought monitoring is performed through three drought indices - SPEI, SPI, CMI. The SPEI and SPI indices represent the drought status as of the current date for the previous 30 days.

More information

High wind warnings

The capital also informs about warnings of increased windiness through profiles on social networks Instagram and Facebook. Wind warnings and data come from the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.

More information

Planned activities in the Slovnaft refinery

The Slovnaft refinery regularly provides information on its activities. (source: ↗︎)

Explanation: flame – increased flare activity Ear – increased noise level Nose – increased odour level

More information JULY 2024

Slovnaft neighbour application (Sused Slovnaft)

Slovnaft launches a new application Neighbour Slovnaft, extends tools for communication with the public.

  • The app contains information on planned activities at the refinery, a detailed calendar and the results of air quality and cleanliness measurements
  • The app is free and available in the App Store and Google Play for both iOS and Android
  • The activity is in line with the four priorities of the MOL Group's new strategy "Shape Tomorrow" 2030+

iOS ↗︎ and Adroid ↗︎

Environmental burdens

Environmental burden is defined under the Geological Act as pollution of the territory caused by human activity which poses a serious risk to human health or the rock environment, groundwater and soil, excluding environmental damage.

These can be diverse areas contaminated by industrial, military, mining, transport and agricultural activities, as well as improper waste management.

Enviroportal - environmental information portal ↗︎ Enviroportal - information system of environmental burdens ↗︎ Website of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic ↗︎ Slovak Environment Agency ↗︎