Restrictions and Disorders
Map of restrictions and disorders in Bratislava
The map shows permitted restrictions, excavations and reported disorders on local roads of I. and II. class and on public spaces that are under the administration of the capital city (list of roads maintained by the city of Bratislava ↗︎).
Excavation, which also includes partial or complete closure of roads, sidewalks, or bicycle infrastructure, thus representing a restriction for residents.
Planned construction works on roads and in public space. The impact on residents is less than with restrictions.
Disorder of the engineering network (line), which is reported to the city by the manager or owner of the line within 12 hours of its occurrence. For example, a fault in the water or gas pipeline.
Use of Public Space
Restrictions and digups are an use of public space, in which it is important that we follow the set rules.
If you are planning to occupy a public space, which is a road (road, sidewalk, square, roadside greenery) in the administration and ownership of the capital, it will be a special use of roads. When occupying a public space outside the roads, you will ask the capital city, as the owner of the land, for consent to use the public space.
Find out more information about use of public space, the necessary attachments to the application and which department will process it.
Problem due to construction work in public space?
Report it directly to the Inspection Office, Department of Traffic Permits, which can then respond quickly and efficiently to the situation.
*Form currently available only in Slovak.